When it comes to the Biblical view of "The Kingdom," it is important to remember that God has always been the ruler, His reign is eternal and universal, and His kingdom encompasses all of creation. But the reign of God has many dynamic features throughout the Bible. From the high view of God's eternal reign to how this reign worked during Israel's days to the reign of Christ in the New Era of Christianity, the reign of God is essential to Bible understanding. Join guest Jamie Thompson and Jonathan Edwards consider this rather large topic with a conversational approach.
When we think of the Gospels, we think of the Savior sent from God, Jesus Christ. The Gospels
reveal that God Himself came in the form of a man to save mankind from their sins. But we often overlook the "Pavior" sent from God, John the Baptist. John is the Pavior in that he paved the way for Jesus to come into the world. He is the connecting link from the Old Testament and New Testament, the first prophet to come after 400 years of revelatory silence. It may be said that to truly understand and appreciate the life of Jesus, we must first understand the role and work of John as he prepared the way for Christ.
What would you say if the Lord publicly called you a dog? It actually happened once. And we can see the faith of a Canaanite woman who had the perfect reply to one of the Bible's most "terrible parables.
JoinGeorge Battey and Jonathan Edwards discuss how predictive prophecy was used in the Old Testament to accomplish the will of God. Discover the seven purposed through these three episodes.
1. Predictive Prophecy distinguished the true God from false gods (Isaiah 41:21-24; 42:8-9; 48:3-5).
2. Predictive Prophecy validated true prophets (Numbers 12:6-8, Deuteronomy 18:9-13; 14-22).
3. Predictive Prophecy verified other predictions of the future (Isaiah 8:7-8 + chapters 36-37, etc.).
4. Predictive Prophecy was necessary to explain the exile to later generations (Isaiah 36:18-2-; 27:9-13; Deuteronomy 32:26-27).
5. Predictive Prophecy was necessary because deliverance takes time (Jer. 25:11, Lev. 25:1-7, 2 Ch. 36:20-21).
6. Predictive Prophecy was necessary to show that God is sovereign (Daniel 4:29-37). 7. Predictive Prophecy proved that the word of God is trustworthy (Psalm 22:30-31). |
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October 2024