When we think of the Gospels, we think of the Savior sent from God, Jesus Christ. The Gospels
reveal that God Himself came in the form of a man to save mankind from their sins. But we often overlook the "Pavior" sent from God, John the Baptist. John is the Pavior in that he paved the way for Jesus to come into the world. He is the connecting link from the Old Testament and New Testament, the first prophet to come after 400 years of revelatory silence. It may be said that to truly understand and appreciate the life of Jesus, we must first understand the role and work of John as he prepared the way for Christ.
If you had a conversation with someone who had never heard about Jesus before, what would you tell them? Where would you begin and where would you want to go? It may be easy to think that “this will never happen to me” but the life of Bradley Ballard serves as an inspirational reminder that not all evangelists start out as paid preachers. With the experience of over a decade of planting churches in three different countries, Bradley’s ability to talk to nonbelievers and sow the seeds of the gospel in their heart is a precious talent that he wants to share with you.
Jeremiah 29:11 reads: Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
When initially reading this verse , it is encouraging because it indicates that God has a plan for us, and those plans will allow for us to prosper, giving us hope for the future. For example, if a person has a bad day, after reading this the conclusion might be that tomorrow will be better because God has a plan for them. While this interpretation is not entirely incorrect, it is incomplete. Many scholars believe Jeremiah 29:11 to be one of the most misinterpreted verses in the bible in the way that it is often used in our society. Further study into this verse reveals a deeper message that carries multiple lessons. |
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October 2024